Dinosaur Man

News & Reviews: I, Tonya & Lady Bird

Dinosaur Man Nerdcast
On Hollywood's biggest night we bring you reviews of a couple of the biggest films of the year, Greta Gerwig's solo directorial effort 'Lady Bird' and the Margot Robbie led project 'I, Tonya'. Both feature much lauded performances but are the films any good? Of course they are, but how good? We also discuss Wonder Woman 2, Avengers: Infinity War and much much more! Find us at Dinosaur Man Nerdcast on Facebook or @DinosaurMan15 on Twitter. Like what you're hearing? Subscribe to the podcast to ensure you get all the episodes as they're released and give us a rating in the process. Why not tell a friend about the podcast, get them to tell 4 more friends, and those friends to tell 4 more each, it's not a pyramid scheme, honestly.